Pixelator is an extension library for p5.js, so to make it work, first you have to get familiar with p5.js. You can think of p5.js as it is a Processing environment for web use. For me, the biggest advantages of p5.js are:
- it makes creative coding for web much simpler;
- you can use it to improve websites visually and with interactive approach;
- you can share your sketches just sending a link.
Read more at p5js.org
This script does three things:
- it groups similar pixels of the graphic source,
- it creates a brightness-sorted set of sprites – currently there are 4 types of sprites: default greyscale, generative blocks, generative gradients and image,
- it draws bright-corresponding sprites in place of pixels.
Link the p5.pixelator.js file on my host or download it here.
Basic script
<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/p5@1.0.0/lib/p5.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script src="https://ksawerykomputery.pl/sources/p5.pixelator.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
'use strict'
var canvas;
var pixelator;
var myPalette;
function setup() {
canvas = createCanvas(1024, 512, WEBGL);
// canvas.hide();
myPalette = [ color('#ffffff'), color('#ff0000'), color('#00ffff'), color('#0000ff'), color('#666666'), color('#333333'), color('#000000') ];
pixelator = new Pixelator(window, canvas, { type: "gradients", palette: myPalette });
function draw() {
Run this example
Download p5.pixelator-example.html
Set default type:
Set type to gradients (color palette required):
pixelator.set( { type: "gradients", palette: myPalette } );
Set type to blocks (color palette required):
pixelator.set( { type: "blocks", palette: myPalette } );
Set type to image (image file required):
pixelator.set( { type: "image", image: myFile } );
Limit number of sprites (0.0-1.0):
pixelator.set( { range: 1.0 } );
Set tolerance for grouper algorithm (0.0-1.0):
pixelator.set( { tolerance: 0.2 } );
Move Pixelator canvas to a container:
pixelator.parent( id );
Change graphic source for Pixelator:
pixelator.changeSource( graphics );
More settings
If you are interested in changing the way the blocks are being generated, have a look at the p5.pixelator.js file for newSprite() function.