One of the new generative pieces for the RRGGBB exhibition at CICA Vancouver.

Fascinated by the laws of physics, I’ve always wanted to try building an artificial environment using code. In LAB, there is actually a simple rule behind its seemingly complex worlds. Each group of colors has its own unique power of attraction or repulsion towards others, making every pixel behave like a magnet. Even a slight change within these magnetic relations forms an entirely new system with its own dynamics.

To play with it, I’ve made a tool that runs in the browser. It’s available here, so if you’d like you can do your own pixel research 👾

For the display, we used a large-pixel led screen (96x96px) with a frosted glass placed on top. Positioning the glass at the right distance gives the pixels an organic vibe, making them look like light sprites being watched under a microscope.
